1000E. Environmental Science
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
An introduction to basic concepts and areas of environmental concern and how these problems can be effectively addressed. Topics include human population; ecological principles; conservation of biological resources; biodiversity; croplands, rangelands, forestlands; soil and water conservation; pollution and water management; and wildlife and fisheries conservation. CA 3.
View Classes »1235E. Environmental Conservation
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Overview of the history of natural resource use and environmental conservation policy development from prehistoric to present times. Examination of the emergence of the 20th century conservation movement in North America and the transition to the environmental movement is used to highlight recurring environmental issue themes such as: private ownership vs. public trust doctrine; commercial trade in natural resources; development vs. protection; sustainability; and the role of society and governments in regulation. Through selected readings and case studies, students are challenged to begin development of their personal ethics regarding the development, conservation and protection of the environment. CA 1.
View Classes »1250. Community Engagement for Environmental Action
1.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to equitable and inclusive community engagement practices that support community-based environmental efforts. Relevant topics covered are principles of authentic community engagement, environmental education practices that promote collective environmental action, culturally relevant environmental education, trauma-informed care mentorship, and basic knowledge of local environmental issues. Student teams will plan, develop, and deliver a culturally relevant environmental education activity, with the potential of integrating it into an existing community-based extension program.
View Classes »2000. Introduction to Geomatics
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Principles and applications of geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning system (GPS), and remote sensing. Students will be provided with the scientific knowledge and technical skills needed to collect and use spatial data effectively in a GIS.
View Classes »2010. Natural Resources Measurements
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Principles and instrumentation used in the measurement of environmental conditions and processes. Field trips required.
View Classes »2215E. Introduction to Water Resources
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to surface and ground water resource assessment, development and management. Integration of scientific, legal, environmental and human factors that enter into developing and maintaining sustainable water resources. Examines current and future plight of water shortages and water quality issues here and abroad. Three class periods and two field trips (two virtual field trips if taken online).
View Classes »2345. Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
An introduction to the basic principles used in the management of wildlife and fish populations, their habitats and ecosystems, and their human stewards. Students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts, topics, and skill sets that are commonly needed in the wildlife and fisheries profession.
View Classes »2415. Dendrology
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
The taxonomy, silvics, and distribution of trees and shrubs of the United States with emphasis upon Northeastern species. Field trips will be required.
View Classes »2455. Forest Ecology
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Forest structure and functional processes and their relation to physical environment (light, temperature, water, soil); the influence of time (succession, disturbance, stand dynamics) and space (landscape ecology, ecosystem management). Laboratory will be in the field or computer lab.
View Classes »2550. Nature-based Outdoor Recreation Resource Management
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Overview of major issues, concepts, theories, and management approaches related to nature based outdoor recreation and its management. Introduces a historical overview, the role of various agencies and interest groups, current stakeholder issues, impacts of recreation, and contemporary management approaches for addressing topics such as satisfaction, crowding, and conflict.
View Classes »2600E. Global Sustainable Natural Resources
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Sustainable management of natural resources across cultural, political, and ecological boundaries. Topics include marine and fresh waters, forests, food production, and urban development. CA 4-INT.
View Classes »3000. Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Understanding the diverse perspectives of stakeholder groups involved in natural resources management. Analysis of decision-making behaviors based on social, psychological, and motivational factors; communication tools for working with stakeholder groups; and conflict resolution will be covered.
View Classes »3105. Wetlands Biology and Conservation
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Principal wetland habitats of North America are surveyed, and the relationship of wildlife associations to biological and physical features of wetlands is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on issues relating to wetlands conservation and management. Requires one weekend field trip.
View Classes »3115. Air Pollution
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
The atmospheric effects and controls of air pollution and air quality, air pollution emissions and assessments, and impacts of atmospheric air pollutants.
View Classes »3125. Watershed Hydrology
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Fundamental hydrologic processes, water balances, precipitation analyses, infiltration, soil water, evapotranspiration, open channel flow, discharge measurements, and analysis, flow frequencies, ground water-surface water interactions, runoff processes and prediction. Problem oriented course requiring use of computer spreadsheets.
View Classes »3145. Meteorology
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
A survey course in meteorology at the introductory level covering weather and climate processes.
View Classes »3146. Climatology
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Fundamentals of climatology: elements, processes, and mechanisms that govern or affect the climate and climate change, climatological theories and observations, climate across spatial and temporal scales, scientific methods for climatic analysis and applications.
View Classes »3150. Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Design specifications, installation processes, and maintenance of bioretention/rain gardens, pervious pavements, and green roofs will be covered. Stormwater retrofit analysis for municipalities will be introduced.
View Classes »3185W. Wetland Techniques
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Wetland research techniques and skills associated with wetland delineation. Field, lab, and data analysis techniques commonly used by wetland professionals, including experience in data collection, analysis, interpretation, and written presentation. Field trips to implement field methods used to quantify wetland vegetation, soils, and hydrology.
View Classes »3201. Conservation Law Enforcement
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Basic pre-professional course for majors in natural resource conservation and related disciplines. Recommended for persons considering a career in wildlife, fisheries, law enforcement, or other natural resource conservation and management disciplines.
View Classes »3245E. Environmental Law
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
An overview of environmental law including the common law principles of nuisance, negligence, and trespass. Students will become acquainted with legal research techniques; emphasis will be on federal, state, and municipal programs addressing clear air, clean water, hazardous waste, inland wetlands, coastal zone management, and prime agricultural farm land and aquifer protection.
View Classes »3250W. Contaminants in the Environment
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Types and sources of environmental contaminants that threaten the integrity of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and the quality of natural resources; how contaminants cycle and distribute within and among ecosystems; and approaches for monitoring contaminant burdens in areas of concern. Experience in the written presentation of environmental contaminants data for broad and scientific audiences, including a focus on the process of writing and on writing skills development.
View Classes »3265. Sustainable Urban Ecosystems
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Evaluating the state of the knowledge about natural resources in urban systems from the perspectives of natural science and social science. Exploring the complexity of managing ecosystems in and in relation to urban environments.
View Classes »3275. Recreational Trails: Design, Construction, and Management
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
This course provides an overview of sustainable, natural surface trail design principles and best practices. Students will learn to plan, construct and maintain trails in a variety of environmental settings. Coursework includes trail planning, field design and layout, assessing trail conditions, and working with hand-tools outside. This course will also provide students with a foundation for understanding the trail experience, as well as a natural resources management perspective towards using recreational trails for public outdoor recreation.
View Classes »3305. African Field Ecology and Renewable Resources Management
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
An intensive, field oriented methods course conducted primarily in South Africa at the Basil Kent Field Station, Great Fish River Reserve in collaboration with the University of Fort Hare. An introduction to South Africa culture and history, ecology, and natural resources is provided in weekly meetings during the semester. This is followed by three weeks in the field in South Africa. Topics covered include vegetation and faunal surveys, data collection and analysis, biodiversity monitoring, and conservation management. A research paper relating to an independent study conducted by the student in the field is required. CA 4-INT.
View Classes »3335. Wildlife Management
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Brief review of wildlife conservation and ecological principles; management of wetlands, farmlands, rangelands, and forest lands for wildlife; programs dealing with exotic, urban, nongame, and endangered wildlife; contemporary economic, administrative, and policy aspects of management.
View Classes »3345. Wildlife Management Techniques
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Design and implementation of projects for wildlife research and monitoring that address conservation and management issues. Topics include capture and handling of animals, population estimation, wildlife-habitat relationships, resource selection, and space use. This course is designed for pre-professional students and meets professional certification requirements. One or more field trips will be required.
View Classes »3345W. Wildlife Management Techniques
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Design and implementation of projects for wildlife research and monitoring that address conservation and management issues. Topics include capture and handling of animals, population estimation, wildlife-habitat relationships, resource selection, and space use. This course is designed for pre-professional students and meets professional certification requirements. One or more field trips will be required.
View Classes »3385W. Fisheries Techniques
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Techniques used in fisheries science to manage and conserve wild populations of fishes (and select bivalves and crustaceans). Topics include sampling design, gear selection, gear bias, animal capture and handling, habitat measurement and characterization, population estimation, commonly used data analyses, and scientific report writing. Laboratory meetings are often held outside at local waterbodies. Course is designed as a pre-professional experience for students interested in fisheries careers, and counts towards individual certification requirements set by the American Fisheries Society.
View Classes »3390. South African Ecosystems and Diversity
Taught in South Africa. Understanding South Africa's diverse ecosystems with an emphasis on savannas. Classroom instruction and fieldwork in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Form and function of individual organisms and ecosystems. This course is offered in partnership with the Organization for Tropical Studies.
View Classes »3425. Fundamentals of Arboriculture
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Theory, science, and practice of evaluating, growing, managing and safe removal of trees within or in built environments. Laboratories are field-based and will take place in outdoor conditions. Taught with SANR 325.
View Classes »3490. Conservation, Biodiversity, Management, and Protected Area Design in South Africa
Study abroad in South Africa. History of conservation biology as a science and practice. Emphasis on the links between pattern and process, strategies and tools available to conservationists to maintain biodiversity; the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and debates on the maintenance of biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes. This course is offered in partnership with the Organization for Tropical Studies.
View Classes »3500. Exurban Silviculture
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Application of ecological principles in controlling forest establishment, composition, health and growth. Study of cultural treatments that maintain and enhance desired benefits from the forest on a sustainable basis, with an emphasis on the diverse needs and values of landowners and society within the exurban forest.
View Classes »3535. Remote Sensing of the Environment
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
The principles of the interpretation of remote sensing imagery acquired from aircraft and satellite platforms will be studied. Applications of remote sensing to natural resources and the environment will be discussed.
View Classes »3690. Field Study Internship
1.00 - 6.00 credits | May be repeated for credit.
Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Designed to acquaint students through actual work experience with research and management activities not available on campus. Students will work with professionals in an area of concentration. Student evaluation will be based upon the recommendation of the field supervisor and a detailed written report submitted by the student. This course may be repeated provided that the sum total of credits earned does not exceed six. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
View Classes »3693. Foreign Studies in Natural Resources
1.00 - 6.00 credits | May be repeated for credit.
Grading Basis: Graded
Courses taken in Natural Resources and related areas as part of an approved Study Abroad Program. Students may only count a maximum combined credit total of 6 credits toward the Natural Resource major of foreign study, Independent Study and Internship credits.
View Classes »3699. Independent Study
1.00 - 6.00 credits | May be repeated for credit.
Grading Basis: Graded
4000W. Natural Resources Planning and Management
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Concepts and methods of planning for the allocation, management and utilization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Techniques and methods of managerial decision making. Written technical reports required.
View Classes »4094. Seminar
1.00 credits | May be repeated for credit.
Grading Basis: Graded
4135. Introduction to Ground Water Hydrology
Basic hydrologic principles with emphasis on ground water flow and quality, geologic relationships, quantitative analysis and field methods. Occasional field trips.
View Classes »4150. Ecosystem Science and Management
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Ecosystem biogeochemical processes, the organism-environment interactions that regulate them, and natural resources management strategies that explicitly consider ecosystem structure and function.
View Classes »4170. Climate-Human-Ecosystem Interactions
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Understanding pathways of interactions among climate change, ecological processes, and human activities through time are studied. Feedbacks that either reinforce or limit such interactions will also be discussed.
View Classes »4180. Climate Change Adaptation Science
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
An overview of climate change adaptation science including knowledge, principles, and applications of adaptation practices, technologies, tools, and strategies. Topics include the scientific evidence of anthropogenic climate change, climate change impacts on our lives and society, two-way relationships between climate change and humans, and multiple approaches applied in adaptation across diverse sectors (agriculture, forestry, fisheries, etc.) from local to regional and global scales. Emphasis on the fundamental concepts of climate change adaptation science, different disciplinary perspectives and interconnections, and its effectiveness, limitations, and future needs.
View Classes »4205. Stream Ecology
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
A broad overview of stream ecology will be presented. Topics covered will include stream habitats and the diversity of organisms which inhabit them, adaptations to life in running water, and energy flow and nutrient cycling in stream ecosystems. Efforts targeted at the conservation of streams will be integrated throughout the semester. One or more field trips required. Taught with NRE 5335.
View Classes »4255. Water Quality Management
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
An introduction to all aspects of water quality problems relating to the many beneficial uses of water, including the physical, chemical, and biological properties. Formerly offered as NRE 3155.
View Classes »4335. Fisheries Management
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to fisheries management principles with application to the biotic, habitat, and human components of fisheries. Selected topics include harvest regulations, stocking, population dynamics, endangered species, and habitat management practices in coastal and freshwater fisheries. Students will practice interpreting fisheries data which can inform the adaptive management of and regulation decision making in fisheries.
View Classes »4340. Ecotoxicology
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Understanding the fate and effects of environmental contaminants. Major classes of contaminants and their sources, uptake, biotransformation, elimination, bioaccumulation, biomagnification and toxicological effects in organisms will be covered. Discussions are focused around case studies, readings, and class presentations that further explore toxicant exposures and responses in ecosystems.
View Classes »4370. Population Dynamics
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
How population dynamics models are used in science and in the management of fish and wildlife populations, factors influencing population dynamics. Design, evaluation, and use of a population model.
View Classes »4425. Urban and Community Forestry
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
The theory, science and practice of evaluating and managing urban trees and forest resources, recognizing urban forest resources as part of socio-ecological economic systems.
View Classes »4475. Forest Management
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Application of forest mensuration, ecology, and silviculture in sustainable forest managment. Field trips required.
View Classes »4490. Tropical Biology on a Changing Planet
Taught in Costa Rica or South Africa. Fundamental principles of tropical biology and natural history of local plants and animals. Coursework highlights ecological complexity of the tropics, patterns of species diversity, and species interactions. Field visits to a variety of ecosystems including tropical wet forest, dry forest/wetland, premontane wet forest, cloud forest, páramo, oak forest, mangrove forest, or coastal marine. This course is offered in partnership with the Organization for Tropical Studies.
View Classes »4535. Remote Sensing Image Processing
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
The principles of quantitative remote sensing, image processing and pattern recognition will be studied. Computer-assisted data analysis techniques will be used.
View Classes »4544. Land Surveying for Environmental Management and Planning
4.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Use of spirit levels and total stations for high-accuracy land measurement, with applications to common practices in natural resource management and planning. Students will learn to perform control surveys and to create detailed maps from the control surveys.
View Classes »4665. Natural Resources Modeling
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Applications of conservation of mass, energy and momentum in modeling natural resources systems. Defining systems; determining flows and storages; interactions and feedback mechanisms within systems. Problem oriented course including computer solutions using spreadsheets or modeling programs.
View Classes »4695. Special Topics
1.00 - 6.00 credits | May be repeated for credit.
Grading Basis: Graded
Topics and credits to be published prior to the registration period preceding the semester offerings.
View Classes »4696. Undergraduate Research in Natural Resources
2.00 - 6.00 credits | May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.
Grading Basis: Graded
Field or laboratory research performed by the advanced undergraduate student in an area of natural resources under the supervision of a NRE faculty member. A report and/or an oral presentation will be required at the end of the semester.
View Classes »4697W. Undergraduate Research Thesis in Natural Resources
3.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
Writing of a formal thesis based on independent research conducted by the student. Thesis proposal and final thesis must follow guidelines developed by the Department; and be submitted to, and approved by, a department review committee.
View Classes »4990. Directed Field Experience
Taught in Costa Rica or South Africa. An introduction to research design, field methods, and basic data analysis in a tropical context. Hypothesis testing and statistical analysis, including orientation to basic software packages. Students design, implement, and analyze data for their own field projects. This course is offered in partnership with the Organization for Tropical Studies.
View Classes »4998. Variable Topics
1.00 credits | May be repeated for credit.
Grading Basis: Graded
Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary.
View Classes »