3740. Introduction to Microscopy and Biophotonics
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: BME 3400 or ECE 3101; open only to Biomedical Engineering majors, others by instructor consent.
Grading Basis: Graded
Basic principles of modern light microscopy and related biophotonics techniques. Matlab will be used to model various imaging platforms. Topics include geometrical optics; image processing in spatial and Fourier domain; lensless microscopy imaging; light scattering and absorption in tissue; wave propagation; coherent and incoherent imaging; lens-based imaging systems; optical aberrations; phase retrieval; brightfield, darkfield, phase-contrast, and confocal microscopy; holographic imaging; light field microscopy; 3D tomographic imaging; autofocusing for whole slide imaging; two-photon imaging; structured illumination and other super-resolution techniques; Fourier ptychographic imaging; detectors and photon transfer curve; image denoising via regularization; optical coherent tomography.
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Term | Class Number | Campus | Instruction Mode | Instructor | Section | Session | Schedule | Enrollment | Location | Credits | Grading Basis | Notes |